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October 11, 2017 1 minute READ

Mast General Store Places 4th in 100 North Carolina Icons List

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This summer, Our State Magazine published the definitive to-do list of 100 North Carolina Icons. Our State queried writers, readers, photographers, and Facebook friends to share “what makes North Carolina a state unlike any other.” We are thrilled that Mast General Store is ranked as the 4th icon on the list!


NC-Icons.jpgSince the grand re-opening of the Original Mast General Store in Valle Crucis 32 years ago this month, we have been warmly embraced by four other North Carolina towns as well as cities in South Carolina and Tennessee. Our love of family, community, and tradition is reflected back to us by the wonderful folks who pass through our doors every day of the week. Thank you for making the Mast General Store an icon in your book. You, our cherished guest, are an icon in ours!

Click HERE to see the entire collection of 100 North Carolina icons. Many icons – the Blue Ridge Parkway, Grandfather Mountain, the Biltmore House, and the Linn Cove Viaduct (among others) – are a short drive from one of our six North Carolina stores. We hope you’ll stop by and say hello as you venture to experience all 100 icons on the list!


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